Pile of electronic waste, don’t know where to store it? ทำลายอย่างไรให้มีประโยชน์?

Why do businesses need to be aware of the correct disposal of electronic waste?
Electronic tools that are no longer in use What to do with those tools? Disposing of electronic waste is not an easy task. This is because these tools have complex components and chemical components that are toxic to the environment. Cannot be thrown away like normal garbage. Incorrect disposal can have an impact on the environment and human health. In addition, non-compliance with the law may have legal ramifications.
Tip: The lifespan of electronic tools is average.
The lifespan of each type of electronic tool will vary. The average lifespan is 3-5 years, but some devices may last longer or shorter. It still depends on maintenance and use. Continuous evaluation and maintenance of equipment is therefore important to promote the longevity of electronic equipment.

Why do businesses need to be aware of the correct disposal of electronic waste?
Managing e-waste in business is not easy. This is because they must comply with complex laws and policies. Inspection and risk assessment of e-waste is an important part. Help businesses respond safely and efficiently. In addition, management planning is important. to manage in a continuous and safe way Businesses should be aware of relevant laws and policies. and coordinate with existing policies Here are some important ways to manage e-waste in your business:
- WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)
WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) or “Waste of electronics and electrical appliances” WEEE policy is to promote proper management. By holding producers and importers accountable for safe destruction and effective response in both economic and environmental ways, WEEE policies often focus on creating structures for appropriate identification and management. Promote its return to the production process. and reducing the amount of waste sent to inappropriate areas. - ITAD (IT Asset Disposition)
ITAD (IT Asset Disposition) or “Information Technology Resource Management” is a process that focuses on managing information technology equipment, tools, and resources (IT assets) after they are not in use or their useful life has ended. ITAD process is a collection Safe reuse, recycling or destruction of electronic equipment. - tax reduction
Disposal of electronic waste Correctly make it possible to create further benefits for the organization from tax reductions. When you destroy e-waste correctly and safely You can access tax relief programs from the relevant agencies. This is a better benefit to the organization than doing CSR.
AquaOrange is a company that specializes in the safe and proper disposal of e-waste. Using modern processes and modern technology. We have experts ready to take good care of and manage your electronic waste. And we also inspect and report the results of the destruction of electronic waste. So you can be confident that your waste is handled correctly.
If you would like more information about electronic waste management, You can visit our website at https://www.aquaorange.co.th/e-waste-thailand/
- 4 March 2024287
Advice on managing electronic waste correctly and safely To reduce the impact on the environment and human health Read more at the AquaOrange website.
- 27 February 2024419
This article presents information about the impact of e-waste on data security, including precautions for disposing of e-waste and how to dispose of it safely.