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While unknown files are quarantined in the virtual space (Auto containment), they are instantly analyzed in the cloud by Comodo’s Valkyrie Verdicting Engine and Threat Intelligence without disrupting the end user.

Endpoints are finally protected


virtualization technology isolates ZeroThreat to prevent Unknowns File / File Zero Day from being damaged by untrusted files.

Eliminate Threats That Bypass Detection

Eliminate Threats That Bypass Detection

Untrusted files and other files that require permission to run processes are automatically separated from the physical space and run in the virtual space or container. AI automatically analyzes the files. and stops the process from being able to access the destination machine and host system resources or user data.

Cloud-native updates via the client

Zero threats are quickly deployed through security. It will not have a significant impact on destination performance. End users enjoy smooth performance. With the ability to extract unknown or unreliable files in the virtual space even when the file is being analyzed.

Cloud native updates via the client

ZeroDwell Containment

Prevents unknowns instantly through denying write access privileges of any unknowns

NGAV & Award-winning Firewall

Powerful real world antivirus to automatically detect, cleanse and quarantine suspicious files

Fileless Malware Protection

Protection against fileless malware payloads that bypass any traditional antivirus

Virus Scope Behavior Analyzer

Protection against fileless malware payloads that bypass any traditional antivirus

Xcitium Host Firewall

Keep incoming threats out as well steer clear of any suspicious threats going outbound.

Host Intrusion Prevention System

Continuous monitoring of operating system activities to detect intrusions before any trespassing can occur

Verdict Cloud Intel Analyzers

Real time static and dynamic scans across the cloud, deep web, and dark web for unknowns against your organization.

Xcitium File Reputation Lookup

Cross reference any file’s threat reputation against one of the world’s largest whitelist and blacklist threat intelligence.

Cloud Based Updates

New malware signatures are consistently delivered through the cloud to ensure both security and optimal user performance.